8 results found
Registration / Serial:C-FKAC
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
C/n (msn):208B0538
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Goose Bay - Goose (CYYR / YYR)Map
Region / Country:Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Photo Date:2 June 1996
Photo by:Derek FergusonContact
Photo ID:610012Submit Correction
View count: 194
Registration / Serial:C-FKAC
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
C/n (msn):208B0538
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Goose Bay - Goose (CYYR / YYR)Map
Region / Country:Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Photo Date:2 June 1996
Photo by:Derek FergusonContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKAC
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
C/n (msn):208B0538
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Goose Bay - Goose (CYYR / YYR)Map
Region / Country:Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Photo Date:2 June 1996
Photo by:Derek FergusonContact
Photo ID:610012Submit Correction
View count: 194
Registration / Serial:C-FKAC
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
C/n (msn):208B0538
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Goose Bay - Goose (CYYR / YYR)Map
Region / Country:Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Photo Date:2 June 1996
Photo by:Derek FergusonContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:537883Submit Correction
View count: 190
A real work-horse that looks as if it has been ridden hard and put away wet! Outbound after being loaded up with freight (Photo ID: 535200) and here back-tracking for departure off the roller-coaster runway at CYPL. I straightened this photo on a microwave tower in the background so the slope is not an editing error. The official gradient is 0.81%, but this portion is over three times that. The 748 disappeared over the crest of the hill then came thundering back a few minutes later with the Dart engines howling - very impressive.
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:537883Submit Correction
View count: 190
A real work-horse that looks as if it has been ridden hard and put away wet! Outbound after being loaded up with freight (Photo ID: 535200) and here back-tracking for departure off the roller-coaster runway at CYPL. I straightened this photo on a microwave tower in the background so the slope is not an editing error. The official gradient is 0.81%, but this portion is over three times that. The 748 disappeared over the crest of the hill then came thundering back a few minutes later with the Dart engines howling - very impressive.
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:535200Submit Correction
View count: 255
Delivered new in 1981 to Air Niger and imported in 1991. Here use is being made of the LFD (large freight door) to load up bulky freight for delivery to some northern airstrip. Exported as SE-LIC in 1998 and wrecked as 5Y-BVQ on 14 November 2014 in South Sudan. (Note this is the second use of C-FKTL on a 748. The first was c/n 1613 which burned on the ground while unloading bulk fuel in 1991.)
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:535200Submit Correction
View count: 255
Delivered new in 1981 to Air Niger and imported in 1991. Here use is being made of the LFD (large freight door) to load up bulky freight for delivery to some northern airstrip. Exported as SE-LIC in 1998 and wrecked as 5Y-BVQ on 14 November 2014 in South Sudan. (Note this is the second use of C-FKTL on a 748. The first was c/n 1613 which burned on the ground while unloading bulk fuel in 1991.)
Registration / Serial:C-FKTL
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/399LFD
C/n (msn):1778
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-GTAD
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2A/310LFD
C/n (msn):1750
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:July 1993
Photo by:David A. MontgomeryContact
Photo ID:490651Submit Correction
View count: 255
Parked on the gravel ramp at Pickle Lake, flying with Kelner Airways. Doors open for interior cooling on what was a hot day. Damaged beyond repair on 6 August 1998 while in Wasaya Airways service. On a scheduled freight flight from Pickle Lake, overran the runway at Kasabonika Airport, Ontario, and came to rest in soft ground in an area of sapling trees, 500 feet north of the runway end markers.
Registration / Serial:C-GTAD
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2A/310LFD
C/n (msn):1750
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:July 1993
Photo by:David A. MontgomeryContact
Registration / Serial:C-GTAD
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2A/310LFD
C/n (msn):1750
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:July 1993
Photo by:David A. MontgomeryContact
Photo ID:490651Submit Correction
View count: 255
Parked on the gravel ramp at Pickle Lake, flying with Kelner Airways. Doors open for interior cooling on what was a hot day. Damaged beyond repair on 6 August 1998 while in Wasaya Airways service. On a scheduled freight flight from Pickle Lake, overran the runway at Kasabonika Airport, Ontario, and came to rest in soft ground in an area of sapling trees, 500 feet north of the runway end markers.
Registration / Serial:C-GTAD
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2A/310LFD
C/n (msn):1750
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:July 1993
Photo by:David A. MontgomeryContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKSL
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster
C/n (msn):208B0129
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 June 1989
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:304373Submit Correction
View count: 366
A rare sight at CYWG as these Kelner aircraft normally kept to Northwestern Ontario. It was wrecked on 15 October 1999 when a wing tip struck the surface of Ranger Lake/ON whilst manoeuvring to avoid a flock of birds.
Registration / Serial:C-FKSL
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster
C/n (msn):208B0129
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 June 1989
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKSL
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster
C/n (msn):208B0129
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 June 1989
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:304373Submit Correction
View count: 366
A rare sight at CYWG as these Kelner aircraft normally kept to Northwestern Ontario. It was wrecked on 15 October 1999 when a wing tip struck the surface of Ranger Lake/ON whilst manoeuvring to avoid a flock of birds.
Registration / Serial:C-FKSL
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster
C/n (msn):208B0129
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:15 June 1989
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKAL
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208 Caravan I
C/n (msn):20800182
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
Aircraft Name:Kayla
City / Airport:Québec - Jean Lesage International (CYQB / YQB)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:10 May 1996
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:191383Submit Correction
View count: 394
The second of four different Caravans to carry the registration, it was imported in 1990 and sold as N70715 in March 1997 to the State of Alaska.
Registration / Serial:C-FKAL
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208 Caravan I
C/n (msn):20800182
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Québec - Jean Lesage International (CYQB / YQB)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:10 May 1996
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-FKAL
Aircraft Original Type:Cessna 208 Caravan
Aircraft Generic Type:Cessna 208 Caravan I/Cargomaster/Grand Caravan
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208 Caravan I
C/n (msn):20800182
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
Aircraft Name:Kayla
City / Airport:Québec - Jean Lesage International (CYQB / YQB)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:10 May 1996
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:191383Submit Correction
View count: 394
The second of four different Caravans to carry the registration, it was imported in 1990 and sold as N70715 in March 1997 to the State of Alaska.
Registration / Serial:C-FKAL
Aircraft Version:Cessna 208 Caravan I
C/n (msn):20800182
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Québec - Jean Lesage International (CYQB / YQB)Map
Region / Country:Quebec, Canada
Photo Date:10 May 1996
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-GDTD
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/398
C/n (msn):1779
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:189672Submit Correction
View count: 241
Built in 1981 for Air Niger as 5U-BAR then imported as above in 1991. In 2004 it went to 748 Air Services as 5Y-YKM and was wrecked during take-off in Sudan on 20 December 2009.
Registration / Serial:C-GDTD
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/398
C/n (msn):1779
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-GDTD
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:British Aerospace BAe-748
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/398
C/n (msn):1779
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:189672Submit Correction
View count: 241
Built in 1981 for Air Niger as 5U-BAR then imported as above in 1991. In 2004 it went to 748 Air Services as 5Y-YKM and was wrecked during take-off in Sudan on 20 December 2009.
Registration / Serial:C-GDTD
Aircraft Version:British Aerospace BAe-748 Srs2B/398
C/n (msn):1779
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Pickle Lake (CYPL / YPL)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:29 July 1993
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-GLTC
Fleet number:801
Other Marks:788
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 (Andover)
Aircraft Version:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 Srs2A/244
C/n (msn):1656
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:31 May 1990
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:188363Submit Correction
View count: 784
Built in 1969 as D-AFSD then imported by Inter City Airways of Oshawa/ON in 1986 as C-GLTC. Current with Wasaya Airways at Pickle Lake/ON in 2021. In addition to 801 which is the Wasaya fleet number appearing twice, it also has 788 on the tail.
Registration / Serial:C-GLTC
Aircraft Version:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 Srs2A/244
C/n (msn):1656
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:31 May 1990
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Registration / Serial:C-GLTC
Fleet number:801
Other Marks:788
Aircraft Original Type:Avro 748
Aircraft Generic Type:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 (Andover)
Aircraft Version:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 Srs2A/244
C/n (msn):1656
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:31 May 1990
Photo by:Tim MartinContact
Photo ID:188363Submit Correction
View count: 784
Built in 1969 as D-AFSD then imported by Inter City Airways of Oshawa/ON in 1986 as C-GLTC. Current with Wasaya Airways at Pickle Lake/ON in 2021. In addition to 801 which is the Wasaya fleet number appearing twice, it also has 788 on the tail.
Registration / Serial:C-GLTC
Aircraft Version:Hawker Siddeley HS-748 Srs2A/244
C/n (msn):1656
Operator Titles:V Kelner Airways
City / Airport:Winnipeg - James Armstrong Richardson International (CYWG / YWG)Map
Region / Country:Manitoba, Canada
Photo Date:31 May 1990
Photo by:Tim MartinContact