Aircraft Photo of 35371 | Saab J35D Draken | Sweden - Air Force | #101456
City / Area:Kecel / Pintér Művek [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:Kecel Pintér Művek Hadtörténeti Múzeum
Photo Date:20 September 2018
Photo by:Alastair T. Gardiner
Photo ID: 101456
Photo Comment

The Kecel Haditechnikai park is a truely amazing collection of Hungarian military equipment. Most exhibits are tanks and armoured vehicles but there are a few fast jets and helicopters as well. It would be interesting to know why exactly the curators acquired a Draken, I guess sometime previously down the line a MiG or similar was swapped for it.

This photo is copyright © Alastair T. Gardiner, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 12 November 2018, and has since been viewed 220 times.

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