Aircraft Photo of VH-PUF | Auster 5 | Western Speedway | #101744
City / Airport:Minore - The Retreat (closed)Map (unconfirmed)
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:April 1978
Photo by:Geoff Goodall (via David Carter)
Photo ID: 101744
Photo Comment

The Retreat was a farming property near Minore, which in turn is near Dubbo. It was the home of the Western Speedway track, which served as the airstrip for VH-PUF. At the time of the photo -PUF was no longer registered. The speedway too has since passed into history.

This photo is copyright © Geoff Goodall, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 13 November 2018, and has since been viewed 276 times.

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