Aircraft Photo of RA-06045 | Mil Mi-26T | United Nations | #125143
City / Airport:AbéchéMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: FTTC   IATA: AEH   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:26 August 2008
Photo by:Stephan de Bruijn
Photo ID: 125143
Photo Comment

This is the largest helicopter in the world, the Mi-26. This helicopter is owned by UTair South Africa but was leased in 2008 to the United Nations mission in support of Darfur. After UN service, the helicopter was flown back to Russia in 2013, where it is reported stored since then in Tyumen-Plekhanovo (Oblast, Russia).

This photo is copyright © Stephan de Bruijn, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 12 February 2019, and has since been viewed 407 times.

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