Aircraft Photo of VH-UBZ | Airco DH-4 | #137609
Location:In Flight
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:1931 to 1939
Photo from:Ben Dannecker (via David Carter)
Photo ID: 137609
Photo Comment

Originally with Qantas as G-AUBZ. Sold to Matthews Aviation in December 1927. Was still marked G-AUBZ at the start of 1930 despite a CAB directive to change it to VH-UBZ. That happened in March. At the time the aircraft had open cockpits (five) and was named "The Lachlan". Sold to Pioneer Aviation Services in 1931. At some stage the rear cockpits were replaced by an enclosed cabin. At least five (excited!) passengers are visible in this photo. -UBZ was finally struck off the register in 1940.

This photo was added on 19 April 2019, and has since been viewed 556 times.

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