Aircraft Photo of No Reg | Akaflieg Hannover Vampyr/1921 Replica | HAWA - Hannoversche Waggonfabrik | #17366
Registration / Serial:No Reg
Aircraft Original Type:Akaflieg Hannover Vampyr
Aircraft Generic Type:Akaflieg Hannover Vampyr
Aircraft Version:Akaflieg Hannover Vampyr/1921 Replica
C/n (msn):None issued
Operator Titles:HAWA - Hannoversche Waggonfabrik
City / Airport:WasserkuppeMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: EDER   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Collection:Deutsches Segelflugmuseum mit Modellflug
Photo Date:15 July 2015
Photo by:Peter Vercruijsse
Photo ID: 17366
Photo Comment

The Vampyr is the father of all later sailplanes, at the time indicating the direction that sailplane aerodynamics and construction would go. On 05-Sep-1921 new world records were set at Wasserkuppe for duration with 15min 40 sec and distance with 7.5 km. In 1922 some improvements were made to it and on 18-Aug-1922 in the Rhön contest it became the first glider that stayed in the air for more than an hour. More world records were broken with it and the final one was on 19-Aug-1922 with an enduration record of 3h 06min and a height gain of 350m. This replica was built by OSC Wasserkuppe

This photo is copyright © Peter Vercruijsse, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 5 November 2017, and has since been viewed 370 times.

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