Aircraft Photo of 547 / ٥٤٧ | Sukhoi Su-7BM | Iraq - Air Force | #188577
City / Airport:Las Vegas - Nellis AFBMap
Region / Country:Nevada, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KLSV   IATA: LSV   Local: LSV   Other: -
Photo Date:2 November 2007
Photo by:Stephan de Bruijn
Photo ID: 188577
Photo Comment

This former Egypt Air Force (serial 7643, c/n 7607 or 7407) Su-7BM Fitter is preserved in front of the Threat Training Facility (TTF) at Nellis AFB. The aircraft is painted in Iraqi Air Force colors. The history of the aircraft within the USAF is somewhat unclear, it could be that the aircraft was used in USAF tests in the seventies (as the HAVE UP programme), but other sources claim that was never the case and that this one arrived only for the TTF.

This photo is copyright © Stephan de Bruijn, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 28 November 2019, and has since been viewed 835 times.

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