Aircraft Photo of CCCP-N87 / CCCP-H87 | Mil Mi-4 | Polyarnaya Aviatsya | #193196
City / Airport:Mirny StationMap
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:23 December 1957
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 193196
Photo Comment

White Christmas assured. Painted orange, this Mi-4 took part in the First Soviet Antarctic Expedition which established the Soviet Mirny polar station in 1956. Very soon after a visting US Navy photographer took this shot, the helicopter was struck off charge and dumped nearby as returning it to Russia for a necessary overhaul was deemed uneconomical. Note C-47s in the background. Photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Wilson / Naval History and Heritage Command

This photo was added on 12 December 2019, and has since been viewed 860 times.

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