Aircraft Photo of G-ONAA / 9918 | North American Rockwell OV-10B Bronco | Germany - Air Force | #224359
Registration / Serial:G-ONAA
Alternate Serial:9918
Aircraft Original Type:North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco
Aircraft Generic Type:North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco
Aircraft Version:North American Rockwell OV-10B Bronco
C/n (msn):338-3
Display Paint:Germany - Air Force
City / Airport:OostwoldMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: EHOW   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Event:Oostwold Airshow 2015
Photo Date:24 May 2015
Photo by:Kas van Zonneveld
Photo ID: 224359
Photo Comment

Day 1 of the 2015 Oostwold Airshow has come to and end and the crowd has gone home already. But the day wasn't over for me yet, since the light was too good not to take advantage of it. Seen here is the Bronco of the Bronco Demo Team basking in the late afternoon sun. It was the first time that it performed at Oostwold and they put up a very nice display. It carries "Königlich Bayrisches Fliegerkorps" titles.

This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 15 March 2020, and has since been viewed 266 times.

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