This is Mark Oremland's DC-3, nightstopping at Yogyakarta while on delivery from the United Kingdom to New Zealand. The delivery flight took the form of an air cruise, commemorating Jean Batten's historic first-ever solo flight in her Percival Gull from England to New Zealand in 1936. This DC-3 is ex ZS-MRU, which ended up in storage at Dunsfold, UK on 27 Jan 2006. It was flown to Pontoise, France on 29 Mar 2012, then back to the UK on 24 Oct 2012. From there it departed for Auckland, New Zealand the next day, arriving there on 16 Nov 2012. It became ZK-JGB in Feb 2015.
This photo is copyright © Jeroen van Leeuwen, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 8 May 2020, and has since been viewed 2127 times.