As of Sep 1987 this Convair was used by the NASA as a Space Shuttle Crew Escape System testbed. This photo still shows the CES (Crew Escape System) mockup that was fitted to the left side of the rear fuselage. The CES was a candidate concept developed to provide crew egress capability during Space Shuttle controlled gliding flight. Actual tests of this system with this Convair began on 20 Nov 1987, whereby life-like dummies were pulled from the modified aircraft's side hatch mockup by tractor rockets. The aircraft had been stored here at California City by 1993, and preserved by 1997, reportedly by a set-up called the California Museum of Air and Space.
This photo is copyright © Aad van der Voet, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 23 September 2020, and has since been viewed 285 times.