The 'Snip' is famous for operating the first transatlantic flight for KLM. Between 15-22 December 1934, it flew the routing Amsterdam - Marseille, Alicante, Casablanca, Porto Praia, Paramaribo, La Guaira, Curaçao. Covering 10488 km in 54h27. For support, the Dutch Navy submarine "K XVIII" and ships "Stuyvesant" and "Van Renelaer" were based in the Atlantic Ocean. The aircraft stayed at the Antilles and was reregistered PJ-AIS in February 1936 to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Written off in April 1948 and used as fire trainer. At upload, the cockpit section still preserved at the Curacao museum. Location unknown, although likely to be Curacao.
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