Aircraft Photo of A85-441 | Commonwealth CA-25 Winjeel | Australia - Air Force | #294385
Registration / Serial:A85-441
Aircraft Original Type:Commonwealth CA-22/25 Winjeel
Aircraft Generic Type:Commonwealth CA-22/25 Winjeel
Aircraft Version:Commonwealth CA-25 Winjeel
C/n (msn):CA25-41
Operator Titles:Australia - Air Force
City / Airport:Point CookMap
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Airport Codes:ICAO: YMPC   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:1962
Photo from:Ben Dannecker (via David Carter)
Photo ID: 294385
Photo Comment

Photos of A85-441 are rare. It was written off in a midair collision at Point Cook on June 6, 1964. While both pilots survived, Bill Robertson flying -441 was critically injured. He did resume his RAAF career three years later, rising to the rank of wing commander and commanding No.5 Squadron. Awarded the DFC in Vietnam where he flew UH-1 Iroquois. Photo by Errol Walker.

This photo was added on 29 October 2020, and has since been viewed 610 times.

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