Aircraft Photo of N767BA | Boeing 767-200 | Boeing | #298849
Location:In Flight
Region / Country:Washington, United States
Photo Date:1981
Photo from:Kas van Zonneveld Collection
Photo ID: 298849
Photo Comment

A nice Air-to-Air photo from Boeing. N767BA was the first Boeing 767 that was built. It first flew on September 26, 1981. Boeing later partnered up with the US Army and between 1984 and 1987 the aircraft was converted to an Airborne Surveillance Testbed (AST). To accomodate the equipment, an 86ft long and 8ft high bulge was built onto the fuselage of the aircraft. The first flight after conversion was on August 21, 1987 and the aircraft was operated by the US Army until 2003. Eventually stored at Victorville (KVCV) in March 2006 and scrapped in 2008. Photo from Boeing

This photo was added on 10 November 2020, and has since been viewed 3223 times.

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