Delivered to Aeroflot as CCCP-11345 in 1963. Reregistered as RA-11345 by 1994. To Sakha Avia in 1995 and Avial NV in 2000. To Air Armenia as EK-12001 in 2003 and rerurned to Avial NV as RA-11345 in 2004. To Air Sofia as LZ-SFR in 2005, UN-11012 then YU-UIE in 2007 and EX-152 in 2008. Withdrawn from use at Fujairah by 2010. Still there in 2018.
This photo is copyright © Paul Seymour, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 17 November 2020, and has since been viewed 146 times.