Aircraft Photo of M70-01 | Airbus Helicopters AS365N3 Dauphin 2 | Malaysia - Coast Guard | #313759
Registration / Serial:M70-01
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale SA-360 Dauphin
Aircraft Generic Type:Aerospatiale SA-365F/M/N/AS-365/565 Dauphin 2 (HH-65 Dolphin)
Aircraft Version:Airbus Helicopters AS365N3 Dauphin 2
C/n (msn):6723
Operator Titles:Malaysia - Coast Guard
City / Airport:Kuala Lumpur - Subang / Sultan Abdul Aziz ShahMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: WMSA   IATA: SZB   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:1 July 2009
Photo by:Adrian Romang
Photo ID: 313759
Photo Comment

The Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia - or Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency MMEA - took delivery of three AS-365N3 Dauphin helicopters in 2007. M70-01 is seen here in front of the old hangar close to the civilian passenger terminal. The agency has since been renamed to Malaysian Coast Guard and has also moved all its fixed- and rotary wing assets to it's own, new hangar built on the military side of Subang Airport.

This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 20 December 2020, and has since been viewed 1787 times.

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