Aircraft Photo of No Reg | SPAD S-VII | USA - Air Force | #317774
City / Area:Washington / Smithsonian Museum [ Off-Airport ]Map
Region / Country:District of Columbia, United States
Collection:National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian)
Photo Date:10 July 1978
Photo by:Mick Bajcar
Photo ID: 317774
Photo Comment

Seen displayed in the Smithsonian Museum, this aircraft carries the livery of WWI flying Ace Eddie Rickenbacker. It is shown inverted over a diorama of a WWI airfield, and is believed to be S248 of 1916 which later became NX18968 and N4727V. It was loaned by Tallmantz Aviation to NASM.

This photo is copyright © Mick Bajcar, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 30 December 2020, and has since been viewed 182 times.

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