This former Soviet Air Force CANDID (as CCCP-76734) was delivered in May 1987. It was transferred to Belarus and served Ilavia (as EW-76734) from August 1999, Eastline from March 2000, Krylo from March 2001, for a few months Atlant-Soyuz from April 2002, Trans Avia Export from June 2002, Volga-Dnepr from May 2008 and again Trans Avia Export from April 2011. The Il-76 kept all the time its same registration. From May 2013 onwards, the TD was stored at Minsk. Trans Avia Export reported in 2015 that 76734 could be made airworthy again in the future, if required.
This photo is copyright © Stephan de Bruijn, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 14 January 2021, and has since been viewed 279 times.