The TNI-AU started to operate Flankers in August of 2003 and has so far purchased sixteen aircraft of four different versions. That's far from the original ambitious plan to eventually operate 180 SU-27/30's among 10 squadrons. Currently, two SU-27SK (serialled TS-2701 & -2702), three SU-27SKM (TS-2703 through 2705), two SU-30MK (TS-3001 and TS-3002, pictured here) plus nine SU-30MK2 (TS-3003 through TS-3011) are based at Sultan Hasanuddin AB, South Sulawesi and operated by Skadron Udara 11.
This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 29 January 2021, and has since been viewed 2292 times.