Aircraft Photo of 17 | Mil Mi-8T | Lithuania - Air Force | #411127
City / Heliport:Kaunas - Gamykla HeliportMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: EYKG   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:1 August 2000
Photo by:Berry Vissers
Photo ID: 411127
Photo Comment

In 1999 this Hip was photographed at the same place still wearing it's old civilian colour scheme. A year later and it looked nearly ready for delivery to the Lithuanian Air Force. However, it seems that it was never delivered with code '17'! It was first noted in use by the Air Force as code '20' during the second half of 2003. After just over a decade, it was noticed in storage at Siauliai.

This photo is copyright © Berry Vissers, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 11 November 2021, and has since been viewed 201 times.

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