The opening ceremony of Malmi took place on this day, 15 May 1938. Note the substantial differences between the L-14 and the L-10 Electra, SP-BGE. Clockwise from top: Focke-Wulf Fw 58 Weihe V11 D-ALEX, DH.89A Dragon Rapide G-AFFF, Zlin Z-XII OK-LZH, Klemm Kl 35B D-EPIU, Cierva C.30A SE-AFI, Bü 131B Jungmann OH-SIL, and VL Viima VI-2. In the background are three Fokker C.X reconnaissance biplanes. Photo from: Finnish Heritage Agency
This photo was added on 29 November 2021, and has since been viewed 1531 times.