Delivered new to Malaysia Airlines (9M-MJF) in July 1991. Over to EBA- Eurobelgian Airlines in May 1994, for the summerseason only and returned to lessor ILFC in October. Immediately over to Sahara Indian Airlines (VT-SIC), until October 2000, when leased to Garuda Indonesia (PK-GWU). In August 2011 to Merpati Nusantara (PK-MDS) until February 2014, when stored Jakarta. Preserved Pasuruan, East Java, at Saygon Waterpark, at date of upload
This photo is copyright © Freek Blokzijl, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 16 December 2021, and has since been viewed 141 times.