Delivered to Bar Harbor Airlines in May 1988 as N18809. To Continental Express in September 1990. To ATRiam Capital in Octoebr 1996 as F-WQBR. To Air Exel in March 1997 as PH-XLE. To KLM Exel between January 1998 - November 2004. Back to ATRiam Capital in January 2005 as F-WQNN. To BonairExpress in June 2005 as PJ-SLH. To Dutch Antilles Express in March 2006. To Nordic Aviation Capital in October 2011 as N190NA. Leased to Dutch Antilles Express again between March 2012 - March 2013. Stored at Myrtle Beach in December 2012 and has since been scrapped.
This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 24 January 2022, and has since been viewed 120 times.