Aircraft Photo of 8681 | MBB BO-105P (PAH-1) | Germany - Army | #437797
City / Area:Prora / NVA Museum [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:NVA Museum Rügen
Photo Date:11 September 2021
Photo by:Alastair T. Gardiner
Photo ID: 437797
Photo Comment

This Bo.105 was stationed at Fritzlar with Kampfhubschrauberregiment (Attack Helicopter Regiment) 36 'Kurhessen' but made its last flight in December 2006 with a total of 4,623 flight hours. It is something of a curio for a museum about the NVA but is, presumably, on display to provide an exhibit of something from "the other side". The regiment badge is on the nose.

This photo is copyright © Alastair T. Gardiner, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 7 February 2022, and has since been viewed 499 times.

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