Aircraft Photo of C.17077/17 / C.V.17077/17 | DFW C-Vc | Germany - Air Force | #437932
City / Airport:Kraków - Rakowice-Czyzyny (closed)Map
Airport Codes:ICAO: EPKC   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Collection:Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego
Photo Date:6 February 2022
Photo by:Alastair T. Gardiner
Photo ID: 437932
Photo Comment

The DFW C.V was also licence built by Aviatik, Halberstadt and LVG so that by the end of WWI the type was the most numerous German multirole aircraft in service. This is the only surviving example of the C.Vc training variant. It once belonged to Herman Göring's private collection, the Deutsche Luftfahrtsammlung (German Collections of Aircraft), exhibited near the pre-WWII Berlin railway station. After several pieces were lost during a bombing attack in 1943, the remaining planes were hurridly and crudely dismantled and transported east. After the war they became part of this great museum.

This photo is copyright © Alastair T. Gardiner, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 7 February 2022, and has since been viewed 217 times.

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