Aircraft Photo of CF-NTY | Howard DGA-15P | #446611
City / Airport:Glasgow - PrestwickMap
Region / Country:Scotland, United Kingdom
Airport Codes:ICAO: EGPK   IATA: PIK   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:July 1971
Photo by:David A. Montgomery
Photo ID: 446611
Photo Comment

Race number "40" and with the name "Spirit of the Fraser Valley" in gold on the port side of the nose, CF-NTY was the rarest of a diverse field of participants in the 1971 London to Victoria, BC Air Race. It may have made the first ever visit of a Howard DGA-15P to the UK. The blue Beech Staggerwing CF-GWL, race number "12", parked behind also generated vintage interest. Held to mark the centenary of British Columbia formally becoming a State of Canada. For a number of participants, the first leg of the Race was Abingdon - Prestwick, with Reykjavik being the next transatlantic waypoint.

This photo is copyright © David A. Montgomery, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 15 March 2022, and has since been viewed 229 times.

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