Built as a F-16A by Fokker (FMS serial 85-0145) and delivered to the KLu on 26 Apr'88. It served 315sq, 313sq, 314sq, was seen with the Leeuwarden squadron, then 311sq and 315sq, before it was modified to F-16AM in a Midlife Update in 1998. The F-16 was redelivered to 315sq in Sep'98. It then served 313sq and 322sq before its transfer to 306sq at Springfield in Jun'07 (seen in dec'09 here without ejection seat). It moved to the 148th FS at Tucson (AZ) in Dec'10. It returned to the Netherlands in Aug'12, was stored at Leeuwarden and was sold to Jordan as 248 with 2sq and delivered in Oct'17.