Aircraft Photo of VF-63 / I-VFOR | Agusta AB-412EP | Italy - Vigili del Fuoco | #508500
City / Heliport:Cecina - Vigile del Fuoco HeliportMap
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:13 October 2022
Photo by:Adrian Romang
Photo ID: 508500
Photo Comment

The italian fire service (Vigili del Fuoco - VdF) has been flying licenced built Agusta-Bell 412's since June of 1984. 23 units have been purchased directly and serialled VF-50 through VF-72. Civilian registrations starting with I-VF... are assigned as well, but not visible externally. When the "Corpo Forestale dello Stato", another italian state organisation was disabled in 2016, some twelve 2nd hand AB412CS's were transferred to the VdF. Those helis were re-serialled to VF-114 (ex CFS-14) to VF-127 (ex CFS-27). Some of them still kept the green CFS livery for a while.

This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 18 October 2022, and has since been viewed 398 times.

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