Delivered to ATA in August 2001 as N306TZ, withdrawn from use in January 2005. To GOL in April 2005 as PR-GIB. Leased to Transavia between April - October 2009. To Sky Airlines in June 2010 as TC-SKS, withdrawn from use in November 2012. To Pegasus in July 2013 as TC-IZD, withdrawn from use in June 2019. Converted to cargo in Shanghai between July 2019 - March 2020. ToSun Country in April 2020 as N547RL, operating for Amazon Prime Air. Reregistered N5261A in June 2020.
This photo is copyright © Kas van Zonneveld, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 19 November 2022, and has since been viewed 76 times.