Aircraft Photo of MM6377 | Fiat G-91R/1B | Italy - Air Force | #537106
City / Area:Luqa / Armed Forces of Malta Headquarters [ Off-Airport ]Map
Photo Date:3 November 1997
Photo by:John Visanich
Photo ID: 537106
Photo Comment

Photographed at the Armed Forces of Malta Luqa HQ parade ground, on the occasion of the handing over of the aircraft to the Malta Aviation Museum where it is now on display. There is some confusion as to the real identity of this aircraft as it has the MSN 191 on its tail, which should actually be MM6387.

This photo is copyright © John Visanich, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 7 January 2023, and has since been viewed 328 times.

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