Delivered to USAFE on 4 May'81 to the 36th TFW at Bitburg AB (Germany). The Eagle then flew with the 53rd TFS (as pictured), the 22nd TFS, was transferred to Soesterberg AB (Netherlands) to fly with the 32nd TFS, was used with in the Gulf War to shoot down a Iraqi Il-76 with an AIM-7M Sparrow and its 20mm guns on 2 Feb'91, returned to Bitburg to fly with the 525th TFS, 22nd TFS and again the 525th TFS. When Bitburg was closed, the F-15C moved to the 43rd FS and later to the 19th FS from Eielson AFB (AK). It then started to fly with the 33th FW from Eglin AFB (FL). Stored at AMARG since jul'09.