Preparing for American's first cargo flight, which they claimed to be the first scheduled cargo flight in the world. Note the Flagship Airfreighter titles. The flight, which took 19 hours, carried more than 2,700 kg of cargo from LaGuardia Field to Burbank, California. This very early DC-3 was delivered as a Douglas Sleeper Transport (DST) in June 1936, before being impressed by the USAAF as 42-56103 in May 1942 and converted to C-49E. The aircraft was returned to American in June 1944 and served with them until sold in August 1947. It eventually crashed on 28 December 1948 en-route from San Juan (PR) to Miami. Photo from: American Airlines
This photo was added on 6 May 2023, and has since been viewed 543 times.