Aircraft Photo of 29376 | Howard NH-1 | USA - Navy | #574173
City / Airport:Washington - Anacostia NAS (closed)Map
Region / Country:District of Columbia, United States
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:18 January 1943
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 574173
Photo Comment

The first of 205 NH-1 instrument trainers. These wore a green band around the rear fuselage. The US Navy appreciated the qualities of the Howard DGA-15 and some 275 utility transports designated GH were also acquired, adding to four impressed civil aircraft. The GH-2 model was an ambulance. It is not clear if the name Nightingale applied to the GH-2 or to the GH and NH overall, depending if it referred to Florence or the bird. Photo from: Naval History and Heritage Command

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