Aircraft Photo of NC600Y | Waco CRG | #574374
City / Airport:New York - Floyd Bennett Field (closed)Map
Region / Country:New York, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: -   IATA: -   Local: NOP   Other: -
Photo Date:20 August 1937
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 574374
Photo Comment

NC600Y (N600Y) current in 2023. Pilot is Anthony "Andy" Stinis, the writing on the side says "Licensed by Skywriting Corp of America". Stinis was a skywriting pioneer and in 1932 became Pepsi-Cola's official skywriter. Later flew flying boats for Pan Am and the US Navy. Postwar helped develop "skytyping" where several aircraft write at the same time. Stinis was killed in 1992, aged 83, when he was struck by a car while crossing the road in Florida. Photo by: Rudy Arnold / Smithsonian Institution

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