Aircraft Photo of 76 | Blackburn Shark IIA | Portugal - Navy | #584620
Location:Not known
Country:Not known
Photo Date:1936 to 1938
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 584620
Photo Comment

The Shark was in some respects more modern than the Fairey Swordfish, but apparently the wing construction was not up to diving. The Portugese navy initially refused to take delivery of its six airframes, ordered for £50,000 in 1935, and they were already withdrawn in 1938 following a fatal accident. The nose numbers then in use were type-based and not unit codes, so this should be s/n 76, which wore nose number 4 already in England. Photo from: Museu de Marinha (Portugal)

This photo was added on 9 July 2023, and has since been viewed 266 times.

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