The first of 112 CH-53's ordered for the "Bundesheer" was delivered in July of 1972. 50+ years later, the helicopter type still is the backbone of Germany's heavy transport helicopter component. Soon to be replaced by CH-47's, the Bundeswehr CH-53's (now operated by the AF) are still a regular sight in Switzerland, usually conducting mountain training once or twice a year for a couple of weeks out of Alpnach AB. However, in 2023, the detachment was based at and operating out of Duebendorf AB close to Zurich, and 84+29 can be seen here taking off after a refuelling stop at Meiringen AB.
This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 30 July 2023, and has since been viewed 585 times.