Aircraft Photo of N7381C / 447696 | Beech C18S | USA - Air Force | #599226
City / Airport:Virginia Beach - Oceana NAS / Apollo Soucek FieldMap
Region / Country:Virginia, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KNTU   IATA: NTU   Local: NTU   Other: -
Event:NAS Oceana Air Show 2005
Photo Date:17 September 2005
Photo by:Beau
Photo ID: 599226
Photo Comment

This Beech 18 was built as a C-45 in 1944 and delivered to the USAAF as 44-47696. It flew for the USAAF / USAF until the end of the '50s when it was sold and the markings N7381C were applied. It changed hands several times and at the time this picture was taken a Mr Harold Ewing had honour of owning the aircraft. The Beech had recieved its original markings the year before (in 2004) and was and stil is a regular guest at various air shows throughout the USA.

This photo is copyright © Beau, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 3 September 2023, and has since been viewed 174 times.

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