Aircraft Photo of C-1 / A93-1 | GAF Pika | #620913
City / Airport:WoomeraMap
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Airport Codes:ICAO: YPWR   IATA: UMR   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:29 October 1950 to 5 April 1951
Photo from:Ben Dannecker (via David Carter)
Photo ID: 620913
Photo Comment

This was the first two Pikas that were manned aerodynamic test aircraft for the Jindivik drone. C-1, which was also A93-1, was written off on April 5, 1951 in forced landing due to compressor stall. A second Pika, C-2/A93-2, is preserved at the RAAF Museum. The Pika used small side engine intakes with the pilot sitting in what would be the intake area of the drone.

This photo was added on 17 November 2023, and has since been viewed 178 times.

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