Aircraft Photo of 153144 | LTV A-7A Corsair II | USA - Navy | #627687
City / Area:Sea of Japan [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Country:International Airspace
Photo Date:September 1976
Photo by:Bob Thomas
Photo ID: 627687
Photo Comment

VA-56 A-7A BuNo.153144 and VA-93 A-7A BuNo.152673 demonstrating very low level air to air refueling. I took this slide standing on the flight deck of USS Midway (CV-41). This was part of an air power demonstration for dignitaries that were visiting the ship. The VA-93 A-7 is still wearing bicentennial markings commemorating the 200th anniversary of the U.S., which occurred in July 1976.

This photo is copyright © Bob Thomas, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 6 December 2023, and has since been viewed 429 times.

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