Aircraft Photo of A6982 | Loening OL-2 | USA - Navy | #640193
City / Airport:Squantum (closed)
Region / Country:Massachusetts, United States
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:11 June 1925
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 640193
Photo Comment

The US Navy acquired five COA-1 amphibians from the US Army. Receiving the OL-2 designation, they were intended for the 1925 MacMillan Arctic Expedition, with Richard Byrd leading an aviation element of three Loenings: NA-1, NA-2 and NA-3. NA-3 arrived at Squantum on 11 June 1925 and the photo is assumed taken that day. The pilot was Floyd Bennett. Byrd liked Bennett and put him in NA-1. The following year they headed for the North Pole together in a civilian Fokker F.VIIa-3m, Josephine Ford, which Byrd had coded BA-1. Photo by: Leslie Jones / Boston Public Library

This photo was added on 9 January 2024, and has since been viewed 396 times.

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