Aircraft Photo of A-6081 | Curtiss CR-2 | USA - Navy | #648787
City / Airport:Mount Clemens - Selfridge ANGBMap
Region / Country:Michigan, United States
Airport Codes:ICAO: KMTC   IATA: MTC   Local: MTC   Other: -
Event:National Air Races 1922
Photo Date:October 1922
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 648787
Photo Comment

A Curtiss CR racer built for the US Navy had won the 1921 Pulitzer Trophy race, although flown for Curtiss by Bert Acosta. Sources disagree whether this was the CR-1, A-6080, or the modified CR-2, A-6081. With the CR-1 upgraded to CR-2 standard, the Navy flew both in the 1922 edition at Selfridge Field, but was beaten by the US Army's variant of the CR, the Curtiss R-6. The CRs were then changed to CR-3 floatplanes to win the 1923 Schneider Trophy. A-6081 also set a speed record for seaplanes and was modified to CR-4 testbed and trainer for the 1926 Schneider races. Photo from: Smithsonian Institution

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