Aircraft Photo of 1 | Breguet 730 | France - Navy | #650480
Location:Not known
Country:Not known
Photo Date:December 1944 to December 1945
Photo from:Peter de Jong Collection
Photo ID: 650480
Photo Comment

France produced an armada of large flying boat types. The prototype 01 of the four-engine Br 730 maritime patrol aircraft flew in April 1938 but crashed in July. This seems to be the first production machine, No 1, but confirmation is sought. No 1 was completed in Vichy French colours but not flown until December 1944 after the liberation of southern France. On one photo it seems to wear invasion stripes. This would be a later shot. The aircraft entered service as a transport, named Véga. It crashed in Arzew, Algeria in January 1949. Three more aircraft were completed, Sirius, Altair and Bellatrix, the latter two to Br 731 standard with a redesigned nose.

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