Aircraft Photo of B9916 | SPAD S-VII | UK - Air Force | #711389
City / Area:San Diego / Aerospace Museum [ Off-Airport ]Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Collection:San Diego Air and Space Museum
Photo Date:1 September 2010
Photo by:Bob Thomas
Photo ID: 711389
Photo Comment

Built 1917 in Norwich, Eng. and sold to U.S. Army Air Service. Based at Rockwell Field, San Diego for several years. Went through several subsequent civilian owners. Purchased by the San Diego museum at auction from Wings & Wheels Museum in Orlando, FL. Restoration began in 1990, much of the work done by Jim & Zona Appleby, noted antique aircraft restorers. The aircraft is 95% original.

This photo is copyright © Bob Thomas, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 30 July 2024, and has since been viewed 95 times.

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