Delivered to Sabena as DC-7C OO-SFB in 1956. Leased to Persian Air Services as EP-AEP in 1961 and returned as OO-SFB in 1962. Converted to a DC-7C(F) in 1963. To Spantax as EC-BSP in 1969 then to Talingo Airlines as HP-868 in 1978, T&G Aviation as N3775U in 1980, Antilles Air Cargo in 1991 and Aerochago Airlines HI-619SP in 1992. Crashed into the sea off Fort Lauderdale, FL in 1992.
This photo is copyright © Paul Seymour, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 19 August 2024, and has since been viewed 113 times.