In US Army service from 1958 to 1972 as 57-6165. Out of storage in 1975 as N531F. Exported as C-GRCX in 1981. Reverted to N513F in 1984, initially with Claus Outdoor Adventures of Chitina, AK. As N513F sustained substantial damage in Alaska on 3 occasions, without casualties. At Bettles in 1978 hit a dirt bank on takeoff from wet, soft ground. At Bryson's Bar Airstrip in 1992 on a tailwind takeoff overran into trees. Near Kenai on a private gravel strip in August 2003 ground-looped on a crosswind landing. Became N490K of Katmai Air in 2004.
This photo is copyright © David A. Montgomery, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 21 August 2024, and has since been viewed 141 times.