Aircraft Photo of RA-27001 / UNO-220 | Mil Mi-8MTV-1 | United Nations | #731681
City / Airport:KandaharMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: OAKN   IATA: KDH   Local: -   Other: -
Photo Date:27 March 2008
Photo by:Stephan de Bruijn
Photo ID: 731681
Photo Comment

This 1992 Mi-8 was delivered to Aeroflot as CCCP-27001. It flew later for the Ukraine government as 27001 (from Jun'99), followed by Vertical-T as RA-27001 (2003). It was moved to the United Nations (UN) in Dec'06 and flew in Pakistan and (as pictured) in Afghanistan. The Mi-8 became N174RU with Simplex Corp. (a probable front company of the CIA) in Dec'08. It then had owners as Konvers Avia, Nizhnevartovskavia, again the UN, Nizhnevartovskavia, all as RA-27001. It became UR-UHC with Ukrainian Heli, then again the UN and Ukrainian Heli and went to to Alfa Aviation Inc. of the USA in Aug'23

This photo is copyright © Stephan de Bruijn, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 28 September 2024, and has since been viewed 279 times.

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