Having been under Soviet Union and North Korean influence since the late 1970's, Madagascar in due course started to operate a small fleet of various russian built aircraft and helicopters. Among them were six AN-26 registered 5R-MUG, -MUK, -MUL, -MUM, -MUN and -MUO. A 7th airframe - 5R-MUP pictured here - was delivered to the Madagascar AF in March of 1999 but was already withdrawn from use around 2005. The 1979 built aircraft is former CCCP-26672 with Aeroflot and RA-26672 with Kuban Airlines respectively.
This photo is copyright © Adrian Romang, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 13 October 2024, and has since been viewed 338 times.