Aircraft Photo of 97 | Nord NC.856A Norvigie | France - Army | #788355
City / Airport:Dax - SeyresseMap
Airport Codes:ICAO: LFBY   IATA: -   Local: -   Other: -
Collection:Musée de l'ALAT et de l'Hélicoptère
Photo Date:28 October 2015
Photo by:SAN
Photo ID: 788355
Photo Comment

Sporting the Tunis-based GAOA n°5 insigna, this NC.856 wears the c/n 97 but is in fact a composite aircraft built from several frames. This angle reveals what a complicated aircraft this was: noteworthy are the "crocodile" ailerons (the lower part being used to suplement the landing flaps) as well as the vertical (and retractable) plates, on the wing undersurface, designed to generate extra drag inside the turn, thus counteracting the adverse yaw. 112 NC.856s were produced for the Artillery Aviation, soon to become the ALAT.

This photo is copyright © SAN, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

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