Aircraft Photo of ZX-122 | Lisunov Li-2 | #85510
City / Area:Datangshan / China Aviation Museum [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:China Aviation Museum (Datangshan)
Photo Date:18 May 1999
Photo by:Gerard Helmer
Photo ID: 85510
Photo Comment

Odd markings on this aircraft. It has the China Kuomintang flag on the rudder (which is the Taiwanese flag nowadays), but also carries a Chinese AF roundel on the fuselage, which is overpainted with an old version of the logo of the former airline CNAC (China National Aviation Corp). The serials ZX-122 and AF-711 are also difficult to understand. This aircraft may have been used in a movie.

This photo is copyright © Gerard Helmer, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 21 September 2018, and has since been viewed 234 times.

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