City / Airport:Milan - Bresso (LIMB)Map
Photo Date:June 1932 to August 1932
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:382626Submit Correction
View count: 682
Registered to Winifred Spooner who flew it as a guest pilot in the Italian team during the 1932 Challenge International de Tourisme. She won the short landing trial but had to make an emergency landing later and there were accusations of sabotage. The Ba.33 was a somewhat successful sport aircraft but two other examples crashed during that Challenge, allegedly due to weak wing construction. Photo from: Breda
Registration / Serial:G-ABXK
Aircraft Version:Breda Ba.33
C/n (msn):3208
City / Airport:Milan - Bresso (LIMB)Map
Photo Date:June 1932 to August 1932
Photo Photo Archive
City / Airport:Milan - Bresso (LIMB)Map
Photo Date:June 1932 to August 1932
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID:382626Submit Correction
View count: 682
Registered to Winifred Spooner who flew it as a guest pilot in the Italian team during the 1932 Challenge International de Tourisme. She won the short landing trial but had to make an emergency landing later and there were accusations of sabotage. The Ba.33 was a somewhat successful sport aircraft but two other examples crashed during that Challenge, allegedly due to weak wing construction. Photo from: Breda
Registration / Serial:G-ABXK
Aircraft Version:Breda Ba.33
C/n (msn):3208
City / Airport:Milan - Bresso (LIMB)Map
Photo Date:June 1932 to August 1932
Photo Photo Archive